Gutter Cover’s experts place a patented heat-dispersing plate in your gutters, or on your existing gutter guards. Self-regulated temperate heat maintains your gutters and downspouts at just above freezing. When heat escapes through your roof, turning snow into water, Heater Cap keeps that water flowing, preventing it from freezing solid and becoming ice dams and big icicles.

The Heater Cap system is safe and wired directly to your breaker box. It can be turned off with a switch from inside your home.

If you don’t need your entire home protected, Heater Cap can treat just the trouble spots. It can also be installed over your existing gutters. “We install Heater Cap over front doorways, garage doors and in roof valleys,” says owner Jim Carbone.

Wherever Heater Cap is applied, it’s discreet, low-profile and comes in a multitude of colors. Unlike the unsightly prominence of zig-zag wires across your rooftop, Heater Cap blends right in with your gutters and gutter guards. “You might not even see that Heater Cap is there,” notes Jim. “You’ll just see the results of free-flowing gutters—no ice dams or big icicles.”

The Gutter Cover Company has your back all year long, not just in the winter months. Manufactured right here in Ohio, Gutter Topper is a solid aluminum gutter cover system that can handle heavy downpours up to 22 inches per hour and 110 mph winds without failing.

Due to a unique sloped and smooth self-shedding design, not even spinners, pine needles, shingle grit or seed pods can clog the gutter. It’s available in 14 colors and also has a patented “bird block” system. With an impressive proven track record of satisfied customers, the team will clean, tighten, re-seal and properly align your gutters before installing Gutter Topper over them. New gutters are also available if needed.


By Kelli Comer

December 5, 2023

Icicles are a striking and sometimes beautiful sight in the winter months, but one place you don’t want to see them is dangling precariously off your gutters. Not only are they sharp and dangerous to passersby if they fall, but they also cause destructive ice dams that can form underneath your shingles and back up into your home—exactly where you don’t want ice-cold water to be. After a couple years of winters on the mild side, the bone-chilling weather we typically experience in this area is prepped to make a comeback this winter, with cold and snowy conditions on the horizon, according to the 2024 Farmers’ Almanac. Those sure-to-return icicles may look pretty and festive at first glance, but the damage they can inflict on your home can be disastrous. The locally owned and operated Gutter Cover Company has the solution to your ice dam woes with its Heater Cap system.
“Our Heater Cap has a proven track record of preventing ice build-up in gutters,” Gutter Cover Company Owner Jim Carbone says. “This product offers options to property owners who may want to heat only specific problem areas of their gutters, not the entire system.”
Heater Cap can be installed with or without Gutter Topper—Gutter Cover Company’s exclusive gutter protection solution—or with most other existing gutter guards.
“We’ve all seen the prehistoric zigzag style of heaters, and they simply don’t work,” Jim laments. “We remove those all the time. Ours is different. It is virtually invisible, concealed behind an aluminum plate and wired directly into the home’s breaker box. Heater Cap is operated by a light switch located inside your home. The heater is safe and emits the perfect amount of heat to melt the ice safely.”
A hands-on business owner who prides himself on a commitment to the community, Jim says now is the time to get on the company’s schedule. “This time of year, as we inch toward the icy and snowy weather, is ideal for Heater Cap installation,” he says. “Upon inspection of your gutters, we can pinpoint the prime areas for the heating units, such as over a doorway or in areas that have a history of water back-up.”
As the company name suggests, Gutter Cover Company also specializes in gutter covers. But you don’t have to hire them to install covers to be able to get the Heater Cap system, as it can work with most existing covers.
“Our solid aluminum Gutter Topper covers are designed with a sloped, solid top, so debris slides off and the only thing that gets into your gutter is what’s supposed to—water,” Jim explains. “Our clients have been impressed with Gutter Topper’s extreme durability, withstanding torrential rain, wind and snow. These products are manufactured right here in Ohio, and are engineered to handle our harsh climate.”
When Jim or somebody from his team comes by to offer an estimate, they’ll be dressed for a casual and informative conversation. “When you call us, you’re not going to speak with somebody from an international call center,” he says.
Gutter Cover Company is celebrating 25 years in business this year. “Our personal relationship with the local community is something that sets us apart from the big vendors,” Jim shares. “In addition to local homes, we have installed Heater Cap on many schools, churches and fire stations in communities throughout Northeast Ohio.”


By Olivia Bloom

November 7, 2023

The 2024 Farmers’ Almanac extended winter forecast comes bearing news that most Northeast Ohioans loathe to hear—the bone-chilling weather we typically experience in this area is prepped to make a comeback this winter with cold and snowy conditions on the horizon. When it comes to protecting your home from damaging icicles and build-up in your gutters, one locally owned company rises to the challenge with year-round protection solutions.
“Last year, we had an unusually mild winter,” Gutter Cover Company Owner Jim Carbone says. “This often means a hard, snowy winter is coming this year, just like the Farmers’ Almanac is forecasting. With this weather coming not too far in the future, now is the best time to prepare your gutters to combat it.” To save local homeowners the pain of ice issues, Gutter Cover Company offers Heater Cap.
“This product offers options to property owners who may want to heat only certain problem areas of their gutters, not the entire system,” he says. “We can install them with or without Gutter Topper or most existing gutter guards. We’ve all seen the prehistoric zigzag style of heaters and they simply don’t work. We remove those all the time. Ours is different. It is virtually invisible and is operated by a light switch located inside the home. The heater is safe and emits the perfect amount of heat to stop ice from forming.”
Jim reports that many of his clients install Gutter Topper for leaf protection and add Heater Cap where needed. This can be added at later date as well.
“It’s an elegant solution to the problem,” he says. “We’re able to take a walk around the house and have a conversation with the homeowner to pinpoint exactly where the heaters are needed for optimum effectiveness. In addition to homes, we have installed Heater Cap on many local churches, schools, office buildings and even fire departments.”
Eliminate Gutter Cleaning Forever Gutter Cover Company is a locally owned business and the skilled team has been installing Gutter Topper for over 25 years.
Gutter Topper is a professional guard system that relies on a solid cover slope design that’s superior to any screened products on the market.
“With a patented design, water flows through, but leaves, nests and organic debris do not,” says Jim. “Our affordable product is extremely durable, made of solid aluminum and can handle any weather Northeast Ohio will throw at it. It is installed directly over existing gutters. Customers tell us the lifetime transferrable performance warranty makes a big difference in their decision to install these guards. We have jobs that were installed in the ’90s that still protect gutters with the same effectiveness as the day they were installed.”
The guards come in a variety of attractive colors to complement any home. New seamless gutters are also available if needed.
Jim has plenty of both products in stock, so give him a call before the snow starts to fall, so you can forget about your gutters and have peace of mind that your home is protected.
“We recommend getting a free estimate now for both Gutter Topper and Heater Cap,” he says. “So, when that chilly weather is here to stay and our phones are ringing off the hook, you’ll already be on our install list.”


By Jim Carbone

February 20, 2023

Top It Northeast Ohio’s warm spring weather will soon be here and with it comes the season’s torrential downpours. After the long winter, you may notice that your gutters need a little TLC to prevent damaging overflows. In addition to cleaning your gutters, one of the best and safest steps you can take is to create a permanent solution by covering them.
Many home improvement companies sell gutter guards, but what they offer is often not a permanent solution. Their products are similar to what you find at big box stores. In most cases, their screens and filters still need to be cleaned, which does not accomplish your goal of staying off the ladder.


By Patricia Nugent

August 15, 2022

Let’s face it, caring for gutters is a headache for most homeowners. When it comes to protecting them in the most efficient manner, one locally owned company rises above the rest, offering year-round solutions. Gutter Cover Company’s Gutter Topper guard system relies on a solid-cover slope design that’s superior to any screened products on the market. The locally owned company and its skilled team have been installing Gutter Topper for over 23 years.
“With a patented design, water flows through, but leaves, nests and organic debris do not,” says owner Jim Carbone. “Our affordable product is extremely durable, made of solid aluminum and can handle any weather Northeast Ohio will throw at it. They are installed directly over existing gutters. Customers tell us the lifetime transferrable performance warranty makes a big difference in their decision to install these guards. We have jobs that were installed in the ‘90s that still protect gutters with the same effectiveness as the day they were installed.”
The guards come in a variety of attractive colors to complement any home.


By Patricia Nugent

July 19, 2022

When it comes to protecting your gutters in the most efficient manner possible, one local company has you covered (literally). Gutter Cover Company’s Gutter Topper guard system relies on a solid-cover slope design that’s superior to any screened products on the market. The locally owned company and its skilled team have been installing Gutter Topper for over 23 years.
“With a patented design, water flows through, but leaves, nests and organic debris do not,” says owner Jim Carbone. “Our affordable product is extremely durable—made of solid aluminum—and can handle any weather Northeast Ohio will throw at it. They are installed directly over existing gutters. Customers tell us the lifetime transferrable performance warranty makes a big difference in their decision to install these guards. We have jobs that were installed in the ‘90s that still protect gutters with the same effectiveness as the day they were installed.”
The guards come in a variety of attractive colors to complement any home. And to save clients the headache of ice dams and buildup, Jim also offers an add-on product called the Heater Cap.
“Last winter, lots of people had problems with ice melting, then refreezing, then melting and backing up into their homes,” he says. “Heater Cap offers options to homeowners who may want to heat only certain problem areas of their gutters, not the entire system. We can install Heater Cap with or without our Gutter Topper or other covers. They are virtually invisible with controls located inside the warmth of your home.”
Gutter Cover Company has plenty of product in stock, so give them a call—before the leaves or snow start to fall. And when Jim or somebody from his team comes by to offer an estimate, they’ll gladly answer all questions and arrive on time.
“We recommend getting a free estimate now for both the Gutter Topper and Heater Cap, so when that first chilly autumn day hits and our phones are ringing off the hook, you’ll have priority and won’t have to wait,” he says.


By Ken McEntee

April 20, 2021

“Gutter Topper has no vertical holes and no filtration that needs cleaning and maintenance,” Jim promises. “Gutter Topper is designed with a sloped, solid top so debris slides off the roof. The only thing that gets into your gutter is water.”
And, he adds, the system has been proven to withstand torrential rain, wind and heavy snow the Northeast Ohio climate can hit it with. That’s why the system can be confidently covered by a transferable lifetime performance warranty.
The Gutter Cover Company is a small, locally owned business that has been installing the Gutter Topper system for more than 23 years.
“Our personal relationship with the local community is another thing that sets us apart from the big vendors,” Jim says. “When you call us, you’re not going to speak with somebody from an international call center.”
And when Jim or somebody from his team comes by to offer an estimate, they’ll be dressed for a casual and informative conversation.
The Gutter Cover Company also offers optional add-on product Heater Cap, a safe and effective way to prevent the formation of large icicles and ice dams. Heater Cap is perfect for problem areas and can also be installed on most existing gutter covers.


By Olivia Bloom

May 26, 2020

During the past two months, we’ve all had a lot of time to think about our family’s safety and how to prioritize it above all else, and we’ve altered our lifestyles for the health and safety of our community. Being at home has also allowed us to tackle some long-overdue home maintenance. But there’s one area that is often out of reach and dangerous to attempt. Spring is here and it’s time to start thinking about those clogged gutters.
“Many home improvement companies—including roofers, window dealers, and handymen—may sell gutter guards, but they’re often not a permanent solution,” explains Jim Carbone, the owner of the Elyria-based Gutter Cover Company. “The products they offer are typically the screen-style gutter covers you find at big box stores. Unfortunately, these do not accomplish the goal of staying off the ladder. That’s because all screens clog and still need to be cleaned.”
The Gutter Cover Company has been specializing in gutter protection in Northeast Ohio since 1998.
“We employ hard-working, knowledgeable people who take pride in their work,” Jim says. “And we are respectful while we’re at your home.” The company has an impressive track record of satisfied customers, along with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, and many positive Angie’s List and Home Advisor reviews.


By Jim Carbone

October 16, 2019

Gutter cleaning used to be a necessary but dangerous chore. Today, there are many options available to you when deciding on a gutter protection solution. Home improvement companies and handymen may sell gutter guards, but the products they offer may not be a permanent solution. They typically use gutter protection as a source of extra income to supplement their main business, offering gutter screens and filters, which, in most cases, still need to be cleaned. This can also require the replacement of all your gutters and downspouts, adding even more expense.
Your main goal should be to choose the best performing product and have it installed by the right company. Choose a company that’s focused on gutter protection only, so you can feel confident that all of their attention is on the task at hand.
The Gutter Cover Company has been specializing in gutter protection in Northeast Ohio for over 20 years. We’re a family-owned local business that employs hardworking and knowledgeable people who take pride in their work. Manufactured right here in Ohio, Gutter Topper is a solid aluminum gutter cover system that can handle heavy downpours up to 22 inches per hour and 110 mph winds without failing. Due to a unique sloped and smooth self-shedding design, not even spinners, pine needles, shingle grit or seed pods can clog the gutter. It’s available in 14 colors and also has a patented “bird block” system.


By Jim Carbone

May 18, 2018

With all of the different products available for gutter protection, most homeowners want to know which product works the best and can be installed at a reasonable price. Here are some helpful tips about what to look for when choosing a gutter cover and who to call to install it.
A good gutter cover needs to perform in certain areas in order to be successful:
  • Keep out debris like small leaves, needles, spinners, seedpods and roof shingle grit.
  • Handle heavy amounts of rainwater without overflowing.
  • Must be wind resistant and strong enough not to “cave-in” under heavy snow loads.
  • Must not require any trips up the ladder to maintain performance.
  • Cannot have vertical openings like screens or filters that can clog easily.
The Gutter Cover Company has been installing Gutter Topper in Northeast Ohio for almost 20 years. Gutter Topper is proudly manufactured right here in Ohio and made to withstand our wicked weather. It is a smooth, solid aluminum cover that has no holes or gaps on top. A sloped self-shedding design prevents spinners, pine needles, shingle grit, or seedpods from clogging the gutter. The old method of using gutter screens becomes ineffective as leaves and stems fall on the screens and get trapped, creating a mound of rotting debris on top of your gutters. Cleaning gutter screens is no easy chore.
Our Gutter Topper boasts independent product testing by PRI Asphalt Technologies, which showed that Gutter Topper could handle heavy downpours of up to 22 inches of rain per hour and 110 mph winds. It also features a lifetime transferable performance warranty, providing confidence that the gutters will remain free flowing. Gutter Topper can be installed over existing gutters and each installation includes cleaning, tightening, re-sealing and properly aligning your gutters. New seamless gutters are also available.
The Gutter Cover Company also offers a safe and effective way to stop big icicles and ice damming—not the old-fashioned zigzag roof wires. An optional add-on product called Heater Cap can be installed with or without Gutter Topper that gently heats the gutter area with a self-regulated heat cable. An aluminum plate then covers the cable that protects it, hides it and helps spread the heat to a larger area. Controls are even located inside the warmth of your home. Heater Cap is perfect for problem areas like doorways or areas that have a history of water back up. It can also be installed on most existing gutter covers.
Hiring the right company to install the cover correctly is very important. Try calling a company that’s focused on gutter protection only. This way, you can feel confident that all of their time is being dedicated to the task at hand. The Gutter Cover Company has a proven track record of success and should be the first phone call on every homeowner’s list.
We’re a family owned local business that uses our own people who are properly trained to install our products. With an obsessive attention to detail and professionalism, we have an A+ BBB rating and excellent Angie’s list and Home Advisor reviews. Our staff at The Gutter Cover Company has the knowledge and experience to solve your gutter problems once and for all. We would like to have an opportunity to show you what makes our products stand above the competition. Because we are a local business, and all of us are from Northeast Ohio, we treat our customers like neighbors. Our free estimates are punctual and professional, yet friendly and casual.